Tropocells® PRP: a Cost Effective PRP System Yuval Esteron 5 August 2019

Tropocells® PRP: a Cost Effective PRP System

In order to grow a successful and profitable medical practice there are several areas where a clinic manager can contribute to the cost efficiency process, including, among others: overhead, personnel, technology, billing and insurance to name a few. Within these categories, there are improvements that help physicians find more time for appointments and other revenue-generating activities. Tropocells® PRP has been designed with a primary purpose to provide the best value for money for your own regenerative medicine practice:

Direct Medical Care Savings –

  • Ease of Preparation:
    • Very little training or expertise is needed to prepare a high-quality PRP with Tropocells®
    • Medical assistants are able to consistently prepare the Tropocells® PRP in a closed system and sterile environment
  • Increased Efficiency:
    • Total preparation time is about 15 minutes
    • Tropocells® PRP preparation process requires less time than other PRP systems in the market (no additional anti-coagulant insertion, blood transfer or 2nd centrifugation spin is required)
    • Saves providers time
  • Low Initial Equipment costs:
    • Several PRP systems charge over $4,000 – $10,000 for a centrifuge and processing equipment
    • The Tropocells® centrifuge is user friendly not to mention affordable and moderately priced